Miss Malaysia

NADINE THOMAS (Miss Malaysia)

9:23 PM BóTay.com 0 Comments


Name: Nadine Thomas

Birthday: 1987

Age: 23

Height: 169m / 56

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Place of Origin: Subang Jaya, Malaysia


On May 15, 2010, Malaysia crowned Nadine Ann Thomas as Miss Universe Malaysia 2010 thereby making her as the country’s official delegate to the 2010 Miss Universe pageant.

Malaysia, a beautiful country with its well-protected natural resources; home to some of the most exotic and earliest plants and animals on the planet has never won the Miss Universe crown. This year, they are sending their strongest candidate to represent the beauty of the Malaysian people.

Nadine is an event coordinator and a proud feminist. She declares on her blog “Gone are the days when women held no voting power, no real substance in society except as home makers, child bearing machines who worshipped the men in their lives, weighing on them hand and foot, and still we were looked down on as less intelligent beings, not worthy on being in positions of power or making important decisions that change the face of history.”

Is she Malaysia’s first ever Miss Universe? Watch Miss Universe 2010 online on August 23, 2010 at Las Vegas, Nevada.

Watch Miss Universe 2010.

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