Miss USA

Kate McCaughey - Miss Rhode Island USA 2011 Official Swimsuit Portraits

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* Miss USA 2011 Contestants
* Miss USA 2011 - Watch Contestant Voting Clip
* Miss USA 2011 - Contestants Photoshoot at the Palms Place Pool
* Miss USA 2011 - Arrival Ceremony Photo
* Miss USA 2011 - Contestants Arrive in Las Vegas Photo
* Miss USA 2011 - Contestants Official Swimsuit Portraits
* Miss USA 2011 - Contestants Official Gown Portraits
* Miss USA 2011 - Contestants Official Fadil Berisha Glamour shots

Photo of the 2011 Miss USA Contestants.
Miss Universe Organization L.P., LLLP All Rights Reserved

Kate McCaughey
Miss Rhode Island USA 2011

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