Miss USA

Elyse Umemoto - Miss Washington USA 2011 Contestant

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Elyse Umemoto

Yakima Valley USA

I Adore: Summertime, coffee, 80's , family chatting, singing, fireworks, the MAC counter, useless trivia, the Lord, giggling, Christmas music, Diet Coke, Christina Aguilera, Augusten Burroughs, gummi bears, Family Guy, shoe sales, texting, corny jokes, Michael Buble, rhinestones, Dane Cook, Forensic Files, Burberry, loudly playing the piano, & my dog Alex. And world peace. *wink*

The Final Miss Washington USA 2011 Beauty Pageant will take place on October 10, 2010. The 30 beautiful Contestants vying for the title Miss Washington USA 2011.

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