Miss Grand Slam

Miss Grand Slam Year 2010 - the BIG 4

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Before we move on to Miss Grand Slam 2011,
Let's review the results of last year's BIG 4 pageants,
we would like to share our thoughts on the 2010 Big 4 winners:


Miss Universe - Ximena Navarrete

MGSO would not denied Ximena is a pretty girl,
especially her facial beauty, GORGEOUS!
But as a titleholder of Miss Universe,
she is lacking some DIVA charm,
and her body proportion seem a bit short,
(also she always lost her neck when shooting!!)
so MGSO was not really impressed her victory.
What we can say is acceptable but not impressive!


Miss World - Alexandria Mills

After "Horrible" Kaiane's victory, this year they back on the right track,
although some pageant fans think that USA was set to win,
we still need to thank you Ms. Morley,
she finally crowned someone that is "Pretty"!
Alexandria is one of our hot pick during the competition,
she matches Miss World's image: sweet and the girl next door,
so we are fine and happy to see her win.
Of course, there are always a better choice,
but at least right now is Alexandria wearing that damn crown,
and not another "Kaiane the creature"!


Miss International - Elizabeth Mosquera

Miss international is the only pageant that able to keep its standard -
crowning a true beauty for consecutive years.
Although some fans were not agree Elizabeth wearing that crown,
MGSO was happy to see her win the game!

We are rooting for Elizabeth since she won Miss Venezuela International in 2009,
and finally she didn't let us down and bagged the title home,
MGSO was so proud to see her win.


Miss Earth - Nicole Faria

Nicole is the most stunning BIG 4 winner in 2010,
she totally outshine the others in terms of
facial beauty, stage performance and diva charm.
honestly she should participate in Miss Universe rather than Earth,
What a waste! Femina Miss India and I am SHE!

Anyway after the disappointed victory of Plain Jane Larissa,
Miss Earth finally wake up and make a new standard for their game!
Since Nicole wrote a new definition of beauty in the Miss Earth history,
MGSO hope that her successor can maintain this level in the coming year!

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